Inno4scale will fund a set of focused innovation studies with a total budget of € 4 M. Up to €200 000 can be awarded to each innovation study. The participants will develop proof-of-concept demonstrators employing innovative algorithms for exascale applications. Each innovation study should last at most 12 months and is anticipated to start not later than 1st February 2024. The call opened on July 28th and will run until September 28th at 17:00 (Brussels local time).
The call for proposals is directed towards researchers in applied mathematics, theoretical physics, computer science and related fields who have identified novel concepts of the highest quality for computational solutions of important numerical problems. These concern scientific applications and use cases which require exascale supercomputers. Proposed new algorithms will be assessed on the basis of their potential to reduce resource consumption of typical use cases executed on the European supercomputer infrastructure. More information about the Open Call is provided here. Applicants can submit their proposals through the Inno4scale submission tool, which can be found here along with additional important information for the submission of proposals.